Week 16 Announcement
Remember that any revisions are due by the end of Friday, December 2.
As we have a final project in lieu of a final exam, there is no final exam and you do not need to be present on the final exam date-time.
Week 15 Announcement
For the last week of classes, make sure
- to present at least once (this is a quarter of your grade completely in your control) and
- to turn in any revisions by the end of Friday December 2 (all course materials can be found at our GitHub org)
Each presentation after the first will convert your lowest homework or quiz to a 100%.
I’ve sent out an assignment in Teams that just serves to report your current grade.
For the final week, course time will be devoted entirely to revisions, project work, and presentations (though I encourage you to do the reading).
Week 12 Announcement
Homework 12 is the last new homework assignment of the term. The remainder of the working time in class will be devoted to projects, presentations, and prior work revisions.
Week 10 Announcement
We will finish with RSA and its related topics this Wednesday. Please vote in the Teams poll to help decide what we will cover in the remainder of the term.
Week 6 Announcement
Week 5 Announcement
Week 4 Announcement
Week 3 Announcement
Week 2 Announcement
We are still virtual through Microsoft Teams this week.
Take a look at
Due date for homework 2 is moved to Wednesday September 7 due to Labor Day. Note: the files in your repository will not update to reflect this.
Week 1 Announcement
Welcome to Introduction to Cryptography!
To be prepared for the first class, make sure you
- read the syllabus
- check homework 0
- reach out with any questions.
Due to delays in the renovation of LeConte College, class meetings will be virtual through Microsoft Teams until (at least) 2022.09.07.